Section Kvasir

All the podcast episodes we've preserved so far. Right now, these are only links to a file on google drive due to limitations on free websites, but we're trying to find a work around. Check back soon, we're always doing our best to add more!

The Magnus Archives

Season One
  1. MAG 1 - Anglerfish
  2. MAG 2 - Do Not Open
  3. MAG 4 - Page Turner
  4. MAG 5 - Thrown Away
  5. MAG 6 - Squirm
  6. MAG 7 - The Piper
  7. MAG 8 - Burned Out
  8. MAG 11 - Dreamer
  9. MAG 12 - First Aid
  10. MAG 13 - Alone
  11. MAG 15 - Lost John's Cave
  12. MAG 16 - Arachnophobia
  13. MAG 18 - The Man Upstairs
  14. MAG 19 - Confession (Part 1 of 2)
  15. MAG 20 - Desecrated Host (Part 2 of 2)
  16. MAG 22 - Colony
  17. MAG 23 - Schwartzwald
  18. MAG 25 - Growing Dark
  19. MAG 26 - A Distortion
  20. MAG 27 - A Sturdy Lock
  21. MAG 28 - Skintight
  22. MAG 31 - First Hunt
  23. MAG 32 - Hive
  24. MAG 33 - Boatswain's Call
  25. MAG 36 - Taken III
  26. MAG 37 - Burnt Offering
  27. MAG 38 - Lost and Found
  28. MAG 39 - Infestation
  29. MAG 40 - Human Remains