the lambda project

biological sex doesn't mean shit. ability does not define our worth disrespecting neopronouns is transphobic piracy is cool! no cops at pride no justice = no peace. fuck the police stop islamophobia pro self diagnosis anything can be a trigger, respect survivors transphobia kills radfems don't speak for me! disabled is not a bad word neopronouns don't hurt anyone protect LGBTQIA+ kids stop using autistic/autism as an insult! terfs fuck off you can't see all disabilities trans people have been here since the beginning punk's not dead cis people have no say in trans community issues this website is firmly AGAINST autism speaks i support music FUCK AI IMAGE GENERATORS i don't have to respect harmful or hateful opinions all whales must be free i heart abortion!! a punch a day keeps the nazis away my identity does not need your approval autism speaks is a scam and a hate group anarchy is coming we are all one people cisphobia doesn't exist the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb neurodiverse otherkin MAPS ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING he/him lesbians defense squad dude man dude don't ever apologize for talking about your feelings that's not punk FUCK GENDER ROLES the genderqueer flag heterophobia doesn't exist

welcome to the lambda project's website! the lambda project is a project run by the cassette collective, which aims to archive everything that is banned and might be banned by the current us president. for more information about the project, visit the FAQ section below (which is currently a wip, but high priority on our to do list)! as a sort of disclaimer, this website WILL look pretty bad for a while, as just getting the resources we have downloaded out there is a much higher priority than styling the website. once we have the bare bones structure established, we'll get to work on actually making the website look good.


  1. February 24, 2025, 5:03 PM: scrolling stamp bar on home page was created
  2. February 21, 2025, 11:30 AM: Section Kvasir was created
  3. February 21, 2025, 11:06 AM: Section Apollo was created
  4. February 21, 2025, 10:50 AM: Directory was created
  5. February 21, 2025: Website was created!


  1. section apollo - music
  2. section kvasir - podcasts
  3. section seshat - books, essays, legal documents, etc